We Are Evolving
The partners of Stice & Block, LLP want to share some exciting news and express our sincere appreciation to our clients for entrusting us with your business and for allowing our law firm to assist you with your legal needs and contribute to our community over the last 10 years.
The partners of Stice & Block have transitioned their practices:
Stice & Block, LLP is now Stice & Berrien, LLP, and will continue to operate as a boutique real estate law firm based in its current office in Oakland, California. Marc Stice, Matt Berrien, and Jason Lurie will remain with the firm and can be contacted through the new website, which can be found at:
Stuart Block is now a Partner, and Jennifer Jeffers is now Senior Counsel at Allen Matkins in San Francisco.
Stuart and Jennifer can be contacted as follows:
Stuart Block, Partner
Allen, Matkins, Leck, Gamble, Mallory & Natsis LLP
Ph: (415) 273-7481/Mobile: (415) 637-7603
sblock@allenmatkins.com | www.allenmatkins.com
Jennifer Jeffers, Senior Counsel
Allen, Matkins, Leck, Gamble, Mallory & Natsis LLP
Ph: (415) 273-8417/Mobile: (510) 717-3974
jjeffers@allenmatkins.com | www.allenmatkins.com
We look forward to continuing to work with each of you in our respective roles.